Moving the Ball

I recently had a conversation with Dusty Farber regarding a business case – one that moved from being "stuck in the mud," to being a bigger deal than originally anticipated. We talked about how so many routine cases could chew up time, often because all the necessary information isn't readily available for clients and advisors to make an informed decision. Dusty gave me an example of exactly this scenario, and the approach he took to get his clients to take action and move forward with not only their business planning but their personal planning as well.

Dusty was introduced to two partners who had started a clothing distribution business approximately eight years ago. They had implemented a buy-sell agreement a couple of years into the business, based on the estimated business value and a multiple of compensation. As a result, both partners (one in her thirties and the other in her fifties) purchased $1,000,000 of term insurance. As time passed and the business became more successful, the partners asked Dusty to review their buy-sell agreement and any other business protection needs.

Knowing that the business was on the small side, Dusty was prepared for the "valuation discussion," one that he previously had hundreds of times in his career. "Business owners always overestimate the size of their business," says Dusty, "and based on my gut instinct, I knew there was no way they would be willing to pay $10,000 – $15,000 for a proper valuation. But since the referral source was a good one, I wanted to help these clients." Still, it was difficult for Dusty to make recommendations without knowing more about the business, including how much it had grown over the past several years.

Having been in this situation before, Dusty pulled an arrow from his quiver that he had used several times previously – a business valuation/buy-sell review service, offered by a leading and highly respected life insurance company. The clients agreed to do the review and Dusty was not only able to bring a valuable process to the table, but also a professionally done deliverable. Having used this service many time before, Dusty offered this: "My best guess is that these valuations are within 10-15% of the real value, and are light or heavy based on the industry and relevant expertise. The recommended death benefit can always be adjusted based on what we know about sales and revenue trends." Both the clients and advisors were pleased with the report and, as a result, implemented $2,000,000 of term life insurance on each partner. The business valuation/buy-sell review helped to quantify their protection needs and bring context to the planning process or as Dusty puts it, "The report moved the ball and the price was right."

And there's very good news about that price. The Business Valuation/Buy-Sell Review is a complimentary no-cost service from the Principal Financial Group. The process is easy as Dusty attests. "Everything is submitted electronically – you just need three years of financial statements or tax returns, and then press a button. Principal's attorneys and CPAs in their Advanced Solutions department review and have an informal business valuation back to you in five to seven business days." Dusty also added another important point. "The cool thing is that, besides coming up with a valuation number, they also review the existing buy-sell documentation and recommend important updates and changes. Those reviews take roughly 20 business days."

There's more to the story. The clients asked Dusty to review their personal and estate planning needs as well. The legal work to update the buy-sell agreement, and draft trusts and wills resulted in fees of $15,000, which went to the attorney who first brought Dusty into the case. Additional life insurance purchased by the clients and spouses brought total commissions earned on the case up to the $40,000 range. With a smile, Dusty reminded me that, "we haven't put the DI in place yet."

Dusty has used the Principal service six times and sold insurance to the respective clients five times – not a bad batting average. Even though this professional service is at no cost, Dusty never felt pressured to sell Principal products. "I never felt any heat to recommend or sell Principal's product – it just never came up in the process." In this case, because of competitive pricing combined with flexible underwriting, Principal did earn the bulk of the $40,000 in life premium and is looking good for capturing the Disability Income business as well.

Need to move the ball on a business case? Take advantage of the Business Valuation/Buy-Sell Review service from the Principal Financial Group. Let us know how we can help!

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